
Average score 1504 Reviews
Rafael Miró noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Cheap, fast, damn good. By far the best ravioli restaurant I've tried in Paris, especially in the area (Original) Pas cher, rapide, diablement bon. De loin le meilleur resto de ravioli que j'ai testé à Paris, surtout dans le coin

5 months ago
Quentin Roques noted on Google

5 months ago
Leo Cerda noted on Google

5 months ago
Dyala H noted on Google

Place to go for comfort food

5 months ago
Jonathan Cohen noted on Google

(Translated by Google) You will pass by without seeing it. When the night gets busy and the crowds gather in the narrow streets, this little restaurant disappears as if by magic. The name doesn't look like much. The storefront is humble, the atmosphere simple, the decoration neutral. All this so as not to attract attention. As if we were trying to hide a secret there. We would like to know it, but we will just enjoy it. A magician never reveals his secrets. (Original) Vous allez passer devant sans le voir. Quand la nuit s'agite et que la foule s'amasse dans les rues étroites, ce petit restaurant disparaît comme par magie. Le nom ne paye pas de mine. La devanture est humble, l'ambiance simple, la décoration neutre. Tout ça comme pour ne pas attirer l'attention. Comme si on essayait d'y cacher un secret. On aimerait le connaître, mais on se contentera d'en profiter. Un magicien ne dévoile jamais ses secrets.

5 months ago
Pallavi A noted on Google

Had this porc and shrimp ravioli with clear soup and it was just the perfect meal for a winter evening. Great portions for affordable prices, at an authentic place. Also the black mushroom salad was good.

5 months ago
ajla dunga noted on Google

Super nice choice for dumplings. This place is so convient if you want to eat something quick, delicious and with reasonable price. I love the grilled dumplings filled with shrimps but options are endless. U can keep ordering and dumplings 🥟 will keep coming quick.

5 months ago
Matahari Girodon-Hutagalung noted on Google

Very goooddd 😋

5 months ago
Minh-Quang Nguyen noted on Google

5 months ago
Maria Leonor Correia noted on Google

5 months ago

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