
Average score 1504 Reviews
Lola B noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Perfect for small appetites! Fast service! (Original) Parfait pour les petites faims! Service rapide!

6 months ago
Francesco Cacciabaudo noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Excellent ! Each time, it’s a sublime experience! (Original) Excellent ! Chaque fois, c'est une expérience sublime !

6 months ago
Jeff W noted on Google

6 months ago
laure simonneau noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Succulent ravioli, whether fried or xiaolongbao (incredible), cucumber salad also Always a pleasure to eat there. (Original) Ravioli succulents que ce soit les frits ou les xiaolongbao (incroyables), salade de concombre également Toujours un plaisir d'aller y manger.

6 months ago
Jeremie B noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good ravioli and ravioli soups, the prices are very reasonable (Original) De très bons raviolis et soupes de raviolis, les prix sont très raisonnable

6 months ago
Lina Smati noted on Google

(Translated by Google) The best ravioli in Paris! When we eat there, we feel all the broth from the ravioli in our mouth. Very good value for money and I also tried the frozen ravioli, delicious. I recommend 100% (Original) Les meilleurs raviolis de paris ! Quand on mange sur place, on sent tout le bouillon du raviolis dans notre bouche. Très bon rapport qualité prix et j’ai aussi testé les raviolis surgelés, délicieux. Je recommande à 100%

6 months ago
Maud thierot noted on Google

(Translated by Google) Very good value for money (Original) Très bon rapport qualité prix

6 months ago
sarah bessis noted on Google

6 months ago
joaquim sanmarti noted on Google

6 months ago
Sacha MARTIN noted on Google

7 months ago

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75001 Paris, France

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